Robert H Wellington has spent many years pursuing spirit, finding it in many unexpected places. In fact, it is in and of all things, created and unseen, manifest and un-manifest. This is the secret that inspires his writings and poetry. This is the song of life that calls to us all, reassuring us of its presence and inseparable connectedness. The author loves to escape in nature. As he puts it, “Here one can most easily interact with and touch the threads of reality. Here we can see God’s loom, endlessly weaving together the dynamics of creation with the peace of infinite potential”.
The author is a father of 3, grandfather of 8, husband of almost 5 decades, retired small business owner, brother and friend. He views his writings as a journey and hopes they resonate with those that find them. He invites you to join him on this journey, but also asks that you allow him to walk a while with you; to share a brief but lasting fellowship. Soon a new adventure will present itself, a separate yet related path, ultimately joining all the infinite paths to the Creator. Like the Prodigal Son, we are all on the journey home.

More about the author
An unfortunate car accident (Bob was a passenger) and compound ankle break shortened Bob’s football career his junior year in High School. He was determined, however, to make the most of his Junior wrestling season, but the ankle break became more problematic when bone infection set in. Bob was back in the hospital for several weeks while doctors worked feverishly to save his right leg. After almost two months they, reluctantly, gave up and scheduled Bob for amputation. Unexpectedly, and after much prayer, the doctors obtained permission to use a new antibiotic not yet approved by the FDA. IT WORKED! The author considers this one of the miracles in his life, and credits it, among others, with inspiring a lifelong pursuit of Spirit. Although the ankle was never quite the same (ultimately being totally replaced in 2012), Bob still had his leg and was back on the wrestling team. He went to most of the matches his junior year on crutches. He was able to win the Districts, that year, but didn’t qualify for state. The 1968-1969 season was a better story. Bob won 28 matches (with 11 pins) that year and the 154 lb. Illinois HS State Wrestling title.

Bob went on to wrestle two years at Northwestern, where he lettered as a sophomore, after being redshirted his freshman year with a torn ACL suffered at the Midlands Tournament. Since they didn’t fix ACLs in 1969, the knee became problematic and Bob had to retire from wrestling after his sophomore year. Bob graduated from Northwestern in 1973. After college, he went on to earn a Master’s in Management (1975) from the Kellogg Graduate School of Business at Northwestern. This was followed by a CPA and a career in finance. He spent 4 years with Arthur Andersen in Chicago and then 6 years with Goldman Sachs, the final 4 of which were in Dallas, TX. In 1985 Bob founded a boutique Investment Banking Firm, Wellington Associates, Inc. (WA), specializing in Mergers and Acquisitions and Private Placements. WA was active as a financial intermediary through 2014. Today Wellington Associates does business as WA-Publishing, Bob retired from the financial world in 2014 and has published several books as described herein.
Bob lives with his beautiful wife Donna in Frisco, TX, just north of Dallas. They have 3 married children and 8 grandchildren.