Our Blog

The Present and Mountain Biking

Playing in the unfolding of the present moment while traveling the spiritual path is, in many ways , like mountain biking, one of my favorite activities.  While riding a tight and twisting single track bike trail, the experienced rider is

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A Recent Pondering – The Continuum

The continuum of all that is, spreads across creation like a vibratory tapestry. At each quantum vibrational level is contained unlimited knowledge and wisdom. To touch and unlock the secrets of each level we must resonate with each vibrational level’s

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To a Friend Who has Lost His Way ©

With heartbreak, I watch my friend, lost in the night Moving through shadows, just out of sight Feeling unworthy of His Holy light Hiding from Love and all that is bright Some dark false specter now has his ear Spreading

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Thoughts on Depression ©

It is hard to understand depression and its feelings of aloneness, hopelessness and separatism. Those of us with loved ones struggling with this dark illusion often feel helpless in our efforts to penetrate the barriers erected by a depressed mind.

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Become the Teacher ©

Love and you teach Love Be joyful and you teach joy Understand and you teach understanding Be compassionate and teach compassion Let your heart guide and teach the secrets revealed. You do not need a degree You do not need

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Where the Self Can Be the Self ©

The present is a realm of pure peace and wisdom where the Self is free to be the Self, without the constraints of past experiences and related judgements, nor the weight of future expectations.

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Thoughts On Stillness ©

A Poem by RHW Within is a place of pure stillness. Where movement is barely detected. Where light is the only vibration. Potential beyond Comprehension. Beyond all earthly perception. Sculpting all forms from idea. Broadcasting templates for all life. The

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A Baby is Born ©

Through Love, life presents itself to the world. He or she enters on a beam of light from realms which know only purity The entering Soul calls for all it needs from the manifested universe Which plays its part in

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Secrets of an Open Heart ©

Open your heart and let all it has to offer the world flow freely. Like the drawing of a warm bath which flows from cold to cool to warm to hot, let your love grow in intensity and consistency. Become

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Love Musings ©

I live to love Through love I live Loving is the way I grow Through growth, I learn to love more effectively Loving reveals the truth Perceiving the truth frees my soul A free soul heals the world It has

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Who Am I ©

A Contemplation I am Love trying to break through the illusion of being alone I am Oneness fighting for recognition in the physical realm What is true above is veiled from the senses below But can never be hidden from

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Thoughts on Father’s Day ©

A Fathers promise to His Children Despite what challenges life presents. Despite what may come, I am here for you. Shining in the darkness, all my light is yours. Crossing the abyss together we will succeed. We will together serve

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A Father’s Prayer for A Lost Loved One©

All of us have dealt with the loss of a loved one, either through the natural process of the Soul’s journey or an unexpected loss due to an accident, mental instability, or poor choices like substance abuse and inevitable addiction.

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Seasonal Reflections

Lenten Reflections 2022 ©

  The season of Lent is so much more than a Christian tradition.  It is for all peoples, whatever belief or persuasion.  Whether you follow the Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, Native American or other loving path, the relationship of

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For I Am Here ©

Too often we find ourselves dwelling on feelings, often painful memories, and although observing thoughts, feelings and ideas without attachment can be a healthy exercise, dwelling on them with attachment is not. This morning during meditation, my mind wandered to

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The Realm of Silence ©

While contemplating the peace of the early morning, the following verses jumped into my journal. We search for the Silence. We search for His peace. A realm so exquisite. That seems our of reach. It calls and we answer. Our

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More On Meditation

Based upon some of the comments received related to my last post on Meditation, I thought it might be helpful to expand on some of the ideas, thoughts and methodology. Some thoughts on meditation and its relation to right and

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Meditation is simple to practice, but difficult to master.  Available to all with a little perseverance, but often plagued with lack of consistency.  Like exercising a muscle, meditation must be consistently practiced to achieve, maintain and intensify the tone and

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Poetry, Thoughts to Ponder

Won’t You Be Mine ©

A Valentine’s Day Message And so we come upon another Valentines day.    So much more than a day to exchange cards and candy hearts.  Not just an annual opportunity for greeting card companies to meet budget objectives.  This is a

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More Food For Thought

Take a moment and contemplate the fullness of His infinite creation.  Too often we think of man as being at the pinnacle of God’s creative prowess, just a step or two away from Holy Communion with His infinite expression.  And

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Thoughts to Ponder

What’s new?

RHW and Blogging I hope you enjoyed the poem I recently published in this, my new and first effort at blogging. This is something new to me, but something that I am honored to do. In fact, it is really a lot

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Poetry, Thoughts to Ponder

Thoughts On Stillness

A Poem by RHW Thoughts on Stillness Within is a place of pure stillness. Where movement is barely detected. Where light is the only vibration. Potential beyond Comprehension. Beyond all earthly perception. Sculpting all forms from idea. Broadcasting templates for

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