The present is a realm of pure peace and wisdom where the Self is free to be the Self, without the constraints of past experiences and related judgements, nor the weight of future expectations.
Lenten Reflections 2022 ©

The season of Lent is so much more than a Christian tradition. It is for all peoples, whatever belief or persuasion. Whether you follow the Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, Native American or other loving path, the relationship of the Soul to the One Soul is common throughout. To this end I offer this short dialog as one among the infinite dialogs between searching individuals and the One.

The season of Lent is so much more than a Christian tradition. It is for all people, whatever belief or persuasion. Whether you follow the Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, Native American or other loving path, the relationship of the Soul to the One Soul is common throughout. To this end I offer this short dialog as one among the infinite dialogs between searching individuals and the One.

In the silence, I ask the Lord, “Why do you wait to heal the world? Why do you, seemingly, not hear the prayers of the multitude?” In silence I sit awaiting an answer. And in a space beyond time, a place deep within I hear, …

“Dear one, …… I Am waiting on you,…… for all I have created is already a perfect reflection of the one principle behind all. I have given you all that I Am. I have given you the keys to the kingdom. Time waits only on you to discover who you really are, to recognize the truth that infuses and motivates all that exists. I wait upon you to choose. The gift of time is your playground, and in time the truth will reveal itself to all, even the most stubborn minds lost in illusion. Choose wisely and time transforms into the present. In the present, the illusion of fear and sorrow can no longer fool you and soon fade into the nothingness from which they were born. Awaken to the present within. Awaken to the perfection all around and merge with the blissful infinitude of all. Reality waits only on you. Choose wisely and find freedom.”

And so Lent is more than a tradition. It is a time of reflection, a time to find the inner peace which is our birthright, and in the silence of reflection, in the peaceful realm of the present, it is a time to choose.

As my way of thanking you for visiting my page, here is a
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The Realm of Silence ©
While contemplating the peace of the early morning, the following verses jumped into my journal.
We search for the Silence. We search for His peace.
A realm so exquisite. That seems our of reach.
It calls and we answer. Our senses alert.
But senses can’t touch it. And neither can words.
But somehow we hear it. Somewhere deep within.
Our hearts long to join it. New life to begin.
Our whole body quickens. We leap beyond time.
Traveling without moving. We touch the sublime.
No feeling describes it. No words and no thoughts.
Its presence known only, by the joy that it brought.
Angels sing in thanksgiving. The truth behind light
We have only to choose it, to invoke Heaven’s might
It has always been with us. Blessing all from the start.
Follow Love and you’ll find it, on its throne in your heart
Thoughts On Stillness

A Poem by RHW
Thoughts on Stillness
Within is a place of pure stillness. Where movement is barely detected.
Where light is the only vibration. Potential beyond Comprehension.
Beyond all earthly perception. Sculpting all forms from idea.
Broadcasting templates for all life. The physical realms of creation.
Yet always residing in silence. The power beyond revelation.
Calling us home from our service. Sharing its holy refreshment.
Love flowing through all Light-bearers. Who soar with each new revelation.
Pure peaceful and holy still waters. The realm through which all good flows to us.
We only need know and request it. And soon it infuses our being.
His power, unlimited flowing. Awakening all with pure knowing.
In stillness it whispers its secrets. And so we must choose revelation.
Residing so closely in stillness. The Silence, His gift to creation.