Love Musings ©

I live to love
Through love I live
Loving is the way I grow
Through growth, I learn to love more effectively
Loving reveals the truth
Perceiving the truth frees my soul
A free soul heals the world
It has always been so
This is the quest laid before us when time began
We came into the world loving
Know this and be a light for those who have lost their way
Through service, we add our light to the world
That which we seek is within our grasp
A pearl of great price
It is Love
Love is the glass which never empties
Love is the call from the inner silence
Only love can fill one’s life
Love is our very essence
Unless realized completely, we are less than we can be
All pursuits are empty without love
Only love can eliminate fear
Pledge yourself to the adventure Love has laid before us
In no other pursuit are courage, wisdom and virtue put more to the test
In no other pursuit are the rewards more precious
Yet, through love the path is widened and made straight
Love is both the challenge and the reward,
Both the means and the objective
Both beginning and end
Fill your life with love and live your Oneness with All
God Bless