More Food For Thought

Take a moment and contemplate the fullness of His infinite creation.  Too often we think of man as being at the pinnacle of God’s creative prowess, just a step or two away from Holy Communion with His infinite expression.  And so in a very real way we are, but what of our beautiful earth.  Is it not an entity with conscious intent, and what of the neighboring planets, the solar system, our sun, the stars, constellations, and galaxies?  What about the universe, or are there universes as many scientists theorize? Are there universes of universes? Is there a collective consciousness, a separate entity at each level of creation, at each ever increasing complexity of united expression.  Is there an end or does the expression of His magnificence go on forever, creation within creation, within creation.

So much to wrap our minds around and yet our minds cannot comprehend it.  In deep contemplation we can begin to touch its infinite depth, but even the quietest of minds cannot see it clearly, much less bring it back to earth in words, symbols, analogies or metaphor.  Yet something deep inside calls us to this subtle reflection of ever greater  truths, inviting us to climb the holy stairway of greater understanding.  Does it make you feel small, or do you sense something so profound that  you explode with inner joy, a joy which cannot wait to plumb the depths of its promise?

Think about it.  Perhaps someday we will meet on the stairway.

God Bless

What’s new?

What’s new?

RHW and Blogging

I hope you enjoyed the poem I recently published in this, my new and first effort at blogging. This is something new to me, but something that I am honored to do. In fact, it is really a lot of fun. For the last 40 or so years I have been meditating and journaling. My books, as described within this web page, are influenced by thoughts and ideas from my journals – laid down over the years, as well as new daily ideas and contemplations.

I have shared them in my books, in my social media postings and now through this blog. I will try to be regular, but only if something useful demands to be revealed. Like a sine-wave, the creative process ebbs and flows. I cannot promise a set schedule, but I can promise that I will search the silence daily for something that might be helpful.

In the silence, beyond all thoughts resides pure peace, a place so full of infinite joy and potential that words are unable to describe it and thoughts unable to conceive of it. It is this which we all seek, although too many are, as of yet, unaware that this is the golden fleece, the sacred chalice that we hear calling to us, every second of every day. Travel with me as I travel with you. Together we will find our way. It will be an honor to walk side by side with you.

Until next time, God Bless.


Thoughts On Stillness

Thoughts On Stillness

A Poem by RHW

Thoughts on Stillness

Within is a place of pure stillness. Where movement is barely detected.

Where light is the only vibration. Potential beyond Comprehension.

Beyond all earthly perception. Sculpting all forms from idea.

Broadcasting templates for all life. The physical realms of creation.

Yet always residing in silence. The power beyond revelation.

Calling us home from our service. Sharing its holy refreshment.

Love flowing through all Light-bearers. Who soar with each new revelation.

Pure peaceful and holy still waters. The realm through which all good flows to us.

We only need know and request it. And soon it infuses our being.

His power, unlimited flowing. Awakening all with pure knowing.

In stillness it whispers its secrets. And so we must choose revelation.

Residing so closely in stillness. The Silence, His gift to creation.