Thoughts On Stillness ©

A Poem by RHW

Within is a place of pure stillness.
Where movement is barely detected.
Where light is the only vibration.
Potential beyond Comprehension.
Beyond all earthly perception.
Sculpting all forms from idea.
Broadcasting templates for all life.
The physical realms of creation.
Yet always residing in silence.
The power beyond revelation.
Calling us home from our service.
Sharing its holy refreshment.
Love flowing through all Light-bearers.
Who soar with each new revelation.
Pure peaceful and holy still waters.
The realm through which all good flows to us.
We only need know and request it.
And soon it infuses our being.
His power, unlimited flowing.
Awakening all with pure knowing.
In stillness it whispers its secrets.
And so we must choose revelation.
Residing so closely in stillness.
The Silence, His gift to creation.

A Baby is Born ©

Through Love, life presents itself to the world.
He or she enters on a beam of light from realms which know only purity
The entering Soul calls for all it needs from the manifested universe
Which plays its part in providing the building blocks of each soul’s vehicle of expression
Guided by His holy template and color palette,
The human body takes form and a newborn finds its way into existence.
Parents through their Love called to the higher realms
And were answered from the illumination of the One.
From the infinite, a single ray, individual, yet one with the whole, heard the call, and descended
And through God’s magic, a baby soon opens its eyes
To gaze upon its new family
Love is exchanged as parents and the baby behold each other for the first time
And so, Love is reflected in Love
The earthly realm is blessed by this precious gift from above
Through Love the new family will find guidance
Remember this moment. Remember this peek
Into the heavenly realms from which we all came
Remember the love you felt when your eyes first met those of your new baby’s, eyes which are windows into heaven.
For, without Love, earthly darkness will try to fill the void
Hold your baby and hear the perfect song of heavens vibration .
The song belongs to all
It is the song which sends all into incarnation.
It is the song which sustains all life and
guides those who sense it.
It is the song which welcomes all upon return.
It exists at the threshold between realms
Make it your constant companion
And you will find blessings beyond your greatest imaginings
God Bless the Children
God Bless the Parents
And so it is

Secrets of an Open Heart ©

Open your heart and let all it has to offer the world flow freely.
Like the drawing of a warm bath which flows from cold to cool to warm to hot, let your love grow in intensity and consistency.

Become a witness to your love as it sweeps through the world healing all it touches.
Rejoice as it blends with the love of your co-workers, dissolving the illusions of the ego, and misguided thought-forms formed over the millennia.

Love flows over the world one encounter at a time, wherever called, whenever chosen.
And so it is.
God Bless

Love Musings ©

I live to love
Through love I live
Loving is the way I grow
Through growth, I learn to love more effectively
Loving reveals the truth
Perceiving the truth frees my soul
A free soul heals the world
It has always been so
This is the quest laid before us when time began
We came into the world loving
Know this and be a light for those who have lost their way
Through service, we add our light to the world
That which we seek is within our grasp
A pearl of great price
It is Love
Love is the glass which never empties
Love is the call from the inner silence
Only love can fill one’s life
Love is our very essence
Unless realized completely, we are less than we can be
All pursuits are empty without love
Only love can eliminate fear
Pledge yourself to the adventure Love has laid before us
In no other pursuit are courage, wisdom and virtue put more to the test
In no other pursuit are the rewards more precious
Yet, through love the path is widened and made straight
Love is both the challenge and the reward,
Both the means and the objective
Both beginning and end
Fill your life with love and live your Oneness with All
God Bless