To a Friend Who has Lost His Way ©

With heartbreak, I watch my friend, lost in the night
Moving through shadows, just out of sight
Feeling unworthy of His Holy light
Hiding from Love and all that is bright
Some dark false specter now has his ear
Spreading illusions through words of fear
Blinding his senses from all that is dear
Piercing his heart where once was life’s cheer
And now false blindness, causes forget
How did such pure love turn to regret
Suddenly, all seems, like such a threat
Where once was beauty, now karmic debt
How did this good man fall, lose his way
Watching fear enter, colors turn grey
False guides befriended, and soon lead astray
False guides that he will, soon need to slay
Deep within his heart, the truth resides
Good must awaken from deep inside
Awaiting his choice and the turn of the tide
Waiting for him to awake and decide
To remember his gifts which so freely he shared
So many healed, by just knowing he cared
He gave so freely, nothing was spared
A world much brighter, because he chose to dare
Somehow he’s forgotten his many gifts
So many in need, who he tried to lift
In his forgetting, his faith set adrift
Toward increasing darkness, thoughts seemed to shift
How did his joy turn to darkest night
Unworthy perceptions, feeding the blight
Veiling the truth in illusions false fright
The cure so simple, just accept His Light
For we are of Oneness, and never alone
Though darkest evil wants this fact unknown
Through fears of aloneness, its many lies sewn
Yet it only takes one small flame to lead home
From the smallest spark to the greatest blaze
God’s light can straighten the twisted maze
And clear the eyes and the blindman’s blank gaze
Detoxing his mind from the devil’s haze
If only he knew how much he’s admired
Remembering truth is all that’s required
So many he touched, so many inspired
Such gifts return and can never expire
Giving’s the key to one’s joy on this plane
It lifts one to light, where falsehoods are slain
Such actions and thoughts soon unshackle our chains
And lead us to the peace of His holy reign
These words of support, I now launch in time-space
That he might remember his work still awaits
Our lives are a marathon, not a short race
For we are light beings, filled with God’s grace

Remember dear friend, how special you are to so many.

The Realm of Silence ©

While contemplating the peace of the early morning, the following verses jumped into my journal.

We search for the Silence. We search for His peace.

A realm so exquisite. That seems our of reach.

It calls and we answer. Our senses alert.

But senses can’t touch it. And neither can words.

But somehow we hear it. Somewhere deep within.

Our hearts long to join it. New life to begin.

Our whole body quickens. We leap beyond time.

Traveling without moving. We touch the sublime.

No feeling describes it. No words and no thoughts.

Its presence known only, by the joy that it brought.

Angels sing in thanksgiving. The truth behind light

We have only to choose it, to invoke Heaven’s might

It has always been with us. Blessing all from the start.

Follow Love and you’ll find it, on its throne in your heart


Thoughts On Stillness

Thoughts On Stillness

A Poem by RHW

Thoughts on Stillness

Within is a place of pure stillness. Where movement is barely detected.

Where light is the only vibration. Potential beyond Comprehension.

Beyond all earthly perception. Sculpting all forms from idea.

Broadcasting templates for all life. The physical realms of creation.

Yet always residing in silence. The power beyond revelation.

Calling us home from our service. Sharing its holy refreshment.

Love flowing through all Light-bearers. Who soar with each new revelation.

Pure peaceful and holy still waters. The realm through which all good flows to us.

We only need know and request it. And soon it infuses our being.

His power, unlimited flowing. Awakening all with pure knowing.

In stillness it whispers its secrets. And so we must choose revelation.

Residing so closely in stillness. The Silence, His gift to creation.